How to become a Front-end Web Developer in 2022
For those of you who are willing to learn front-end web development, it’s obviously a great choice for career growth in 2022.
In 2021, Indeed listed 6000+ job openings for front-end developers. And it still has a potential growth not only in 2022 but for this whole decade and maybe in upcoming decades. Future of the Web development is bright. You just need to have the right skills in Web development and you are good to go.
Who is a Front-end Web Developer
A front-end web developer involves in the graphical user interface of a website by using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. So that users can view and interact with that website directly.
Roadmap to become a Front-end Web Developer
As a front-end web developer is responsible for designing and implementing GUI for the websites, He/She must have a good understanding of the below technologies and how the web works.
1. Code Editor
It is a simple editor for coding that comes out with features and functionalities needed to speed up our coding skills. Most of the developers and I personally recommend Visual Studio Code because it provides many extensions to ease the workflow and ways for debugging.
VS Code — Visual Studio Tutorial l Learn VS Code for Beginners | Visual Studio Code Basics
These 2 are the keys for entire web development. HTML is a markup language that defines the structure of a website whereas CSS is a designing language that makes a website look more appealing than just plain text.
- HTML — HTML Tutorial For Beginners | Learn HTML In 30 Minutes | Designing A Web Page Using HTML
- CSS — CSS Crash Course For Absolute Beginners
3. JavaScript
As per Wikipedia, Over 97% of websites use JavaScript on the client-side for web page behavior, often incorporating third-party libraries. JavaScript is a scripting language used both on the client-side and server-side that allows you to make web pages interactive.
So far, It introduced numerous libraries and frameworks that simplify the workflow with pre-written code for routine programming tasks. I recommend you to learn JavaScript fundamentals first then explore its libraries and frameworks next.
- JavaScript — JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners: Learn JavaScript in 1 Hour
- jQuery — jQuery Crash Course [1] — Intro & Selectors
- Vue JS — Vue JS Crash Course 2021
4. CSS Framework
CSS frameworks make it simple to create websites compatible with multiple browsers and browser versions. This reduces the likelihood of bugs popping up during cross-browser testing. Since these frameworks have ready-to-use stylesheets in place, using them allows faster and more convenient web development.
- Bootstrap — Bootstrap 5 Crash Course | Website Build & Deploy
- Tailwind CSS — Tailwind Complete Course For Beginner to Advanced — [2021]
5. VCS (Version Control System)
Here, it comes when you want to keep an eye on the code and collaborate with others on the projects. A VCS is useful for tracking every modification to the code such as how many files are modified and what code has been modified.
It is also useful for reverting the code to undo the operations. For example, if a user makes a mistake in the code, he can simply go back to the previous version to fix the mistake just by reverting it.
There are some popular VCSs to keep track of the code such as GitHub, SVN (Subversion), Bitbucket, Perforce, and Mercurial. I recommend beginners to learn Git and GitHub at the start.
Note: In the above list, I have not mentioned some popular technolgies like SASS, Ajax, React and others. It’s better for beginners to learn the above first then explore the rest once you get a solid understanding of the above technologies.
I hope you found this article useful and I’ll see you in the next one.